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With a background in counseling psychology, years of experience as a community organizer, and training in spiritual formation, I am interested in helping people and organizations who are working for social change to root their efforts in their deepest values, and draw inspiration and resources from the spiritual traditions that most resonate with them.

I was raised as a Catholic, and the deepest roots of my own spirituality continue to be connected to the Christian tradition;  at the same time, it is evident to me that there is wisdom and power and beauty in all spiritual traditions. I see spirituality as being about deep connections to ourselves and to others and to our self, others and to the interconnectedness in which we all are embedded.  It is when we root ourselves in the deepest center of our being that we are best able to participate in the transformation of the world, a turning for which so many of us long.  

I've lived in New Orleans since August of 2007, and have worked with a number of different groups who are committed to bringing about a more just world. I am a member of European Dissent, a group of white people who are organizing for racial justice and collective liberation, motivated by the belief that although racism offers economic, political, and social advantages to white people, ultimately it hurts us all.

I enjoy spending time by the bayou, by Lake Pontchartrain or in City Park. I love living surrounded by water, by massive Oak trees, pelicans, and egrets, and by people who work passionately for a better world and who strive to live in Beloved Community with one another.

Contact me!


Contact me if you have any questions about the services that I provide, or if you want to arrange a consultation.

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